Sunday, January 12, 2014



I've always loved setting although I'm a little behind, I finally came up with 5 goals for the new year....Friends, your job is to keep me accountable. :)

Goals For 2014:

1). Financial:  Finish paying all student loan debt---Be completely debt free:)

2). Fitness:  Run a marathon
This has been a ongoing goal for me, hoping this year I'll finally achieve this goal:)

3). Overcoming fear:  Lead Climb 10, 5.10's
(*For those who know me best, know I love climbing, but make me lead a route an I tend to freak out...SO here's to overcoming fear!)

4). Spiritual:  Start the habit of read the bible/praying-daily
It's so easy to get out of this habit, but deep down I know a life filled with adventure and fun is meaningless without a relationship with the creator of the fun and adventure.

5). Travel and Conquer: Climb Mount Rainier:
Out of all my goals, this is the one I'm least worried about...not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Season of Singleness: Finding myself in Service, Growth, and Adventure!

A Season of Singleness: Finding myself in Service, Growth, and Adventure!
Singlesness is often looked at as a negative thing, but for the most part I am loving it!  Granted: I am ready at any time for Prince Charming to walking into my life. I’m just not willing to settle for Mr. Wrong.  (No matter how many people tell me I’m too picky.)

However, looking back over the last few years I can remember one occasion in particular when I was hiking, praying, and crying to God: Why didn’t he love me/Why am I single/what’s wrong with me? (The woods is often where God and I have a lot of good talks J) 

Anyway, I remember leaving feeling at peace, but having no real answer.  Later that week, my Grandma fell during the night.  (For those who don’t know most nights I sleep over at my grandma’s house.)  Anyway, I was there to help her up, and as I went back to bed I realized this is exactly where God wants me to be right now.  If I would have had it my way, I would have been married, with 2.5 kids etc. 


*I get to hang out and serve a very special woman.

* I have had the opportunity to travel to Uganda, Nicaragua, and Greece with some amazing people.

*I was able to take a once-in-a-life time road trip across the beautiful USA.

* I went back for my master’s degree. 

*Completed 2 Half-Marathons

*And of course, Climbing ALOT! 

What I am learning:

1.      Patience: My timing is not God timing…His plan is so much better than my mine!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight.”

2.      Don’t settle: 

3.      Expect the unexpected:

4.      Seize the day!


Don’t wait for happiness to happen, make it happen!  Embrace Life, Challenge yourself, love others, and LIVE Life to the fullest!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Goals for 2013-2014

2013-2014: Goals


                1. South America (1 month: Chile/Patagonia/Brazil)

                2). Climb Mount Rainer

                3). Trip with girlfriends (down South?)

                4). Utah/CO: climb with friends

-Lead Climbing consistently 5.10,sport

-Debt free by 2015

-Work towards LCSW

-Run a marathon

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Roadtrip Across America: The Highlights

Favorite Hike: The narrows, UT

Scariest Moment: Down climbing to a repel station in the dark (Yosemite)

Favorite national park: Zion NP, UT

Most Breathtaking site: Grand Teton's Mountains

Laughing so hard my stomach hurt:  Waking up to our tent caving in on Jolene's face due to the windy/cold night sleeping on the beach. (Something my twin sister insisted we do, and Im so glad she did.)

-Hiking up Quandary's peak with Jolene, listening to her call her brother and friend to let them know she wasn't going to make it.

-Watching Larry dance

Best accomplishment: Hiking Quandary's Peak

The only time I cried: When I got in my first ever accident in downtown San Francisco city.  I haven't cried that much in years.

Coldest Camping  Experience: Rocky Mountain NP.  Woke up to frost on our tent.  (below freezing)

Long period w/o showering: 5 days

Places I would like to go back to: Yosemite, Grand Tetons, Colorado

Once and done: California Coast, San Francisco, Hollywood

Memories to last a lifetime: Having my dad join me for a portion of my trip.  Exposing him to camping and hiking. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Counting Down!

Less than 3 weeks to go until I set out on my out west adventure.  Words obviously can't describe how excited I am. 

The best part is I love how things always work out.   2 weeks ago, I only had $600 in my checking account.  Those who know me really well know two things about me.  One: I'm cheap, or as I like to say, frugal, and two: I hate debt.  So, I was getting a little worried how I was going to pay for gas, food, and camping for a month with only $600. Anyway, the last two weeks,  I've had a lot of friends/family offer me random jobs, and needless to say I'm not going to be eating anything fancy, but I think I can survive. 

The second thing I (and my parents-gotta luv them) was worried about was being alone for a long extent of time.  (My dad even mentioned about getting a leave of absence from his work, or buying a tracking device for my car.  LOL- it took all I could not to tear up from laugher, but I love how much he cares about me.)  My one friend, Jolene, my twin sister Erin, climber partner, Larry (a.k.a. scary larry), and my dad officially booked their plane tickets for different parts of my trip. This means I will only be alone for 2 days....holler!

It's just awesome how God works!

Thanks everyone for your support and advice on what/where to go!
